The 16-Hour Concealed Carry License Class covers everything the state requires to apply for your concealed carry permit. The class will go over basic firearm safety, maintenance of your firearm, fundamentals of marksmanship, and all the applicable state and federal laws surrounding carrying a firearm. The state requires sixteen hours of training, which can be spread across two or four days, depending on your schedule.

Two Nights


Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Firearm Type: Handgun

Certification: CCW


The 16 Hour CCW Class covers everything the state requires to apply for your concealed carry permit. The class will cover basic firearm safety, firearm maintenance, fundamentals of marksmanship, and all applicable state and federal laws about carrying a firearm.

We suggest you bring:

  • A handgun you are comfortable using
  • 30 rounds of ammunition
  • Eye and ear protection

We rent firearms, ear protection, and eye protection on-site. We also sell ammunition in our facility.

If you are prior military, you only need to take the second half (8 hours) of this course. To register, you will need a copy of your DD214.

FOID cards are not required for this course, and rental firearms are available. If you have never fired a pistol before, check out our Basic Pistol class before taking Concealed Carry.

Please arrive 15 minutes early. If you need to reschedule and fail to notify us, we will not offer a refund for the course.


Our cancellation policy is located in our FAQ page.

Four Nights

16 Hour CCL 4 Night Course

Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Firearm Type: Handgun

Certification: CCW


This class is identical to the 16 Hour CCL class, except it runs from 5–9pm over four days.

The class covers basic firearm safety, firearm maintenance, fundamentals of marksmanship, and all relevant state and federal laws.

You will need:

  • A handgun you are comfortable using
  • 30 rounds of ammunition
  • Eye and ear protection


Our cancellation policy is located in our FAQ page.